Anna Santolaria the founder of Can Pinyonaire Stained Glass Studio. In addition to working solo and as a freelancer, she has collaborated with workshops in Spain and abroad. Though these associations she has developed an extensive network, which is an invaluable resource when undertaking large-scale projects.
In addition to her artistic training, Anna has a many years of craft experience as glazier, which enables her to create high quality pieces.
She has collaborated on pieces designed by glass artists such as Helen Whittaker and Joan Vila-Grau, implementing both contemporary and traditional techniques: painting on glass, enamel, acid etching, screen printing on glass, gilding, mirror making, and more.
In addition to her art skills and craftsmanship, Anna Santolaria has specialized in stained glass conservation. Her training in the UK - graduating with an MA in Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management 2013- has led her to develop novel approaches to the conservation of this delicate and fragile heritage.
Anna's studies at the University of York, as well as her work experience in England and Sweden, have involved rigorous application of the conservation criteria recommended by the International Corpus Vitrearum (CVMA). Today, her ability and integrity as a conservator are internationally recognized.
Anna has collaborated on several occasions with the accredited conservator Keith Barley, with whom she mainly worked on the conservation of the Flemish stained glass windows from the Lady Chapel of Lichfield Cathedral (c. 1530).
Anna's experience in traditional glazing workshops, together with her work with well-known stained glass artists, her specialized studies and her training and partnerships with several European stained glass conservation studios are the guarantee of the highest quality work following accepted standards in conservation as well as innovative techniques and contemporary styles.
Glazing on White-Washed Tables/Vitralls sobre taules de vitraller, ICRPC Publicacions, July 2014.
La taula de vitraller. Guia per a la restauració dels vitralls més antics de Girona, In Taull núm. 43, SICPAS, January - March 2015.
17.10.2014 - 'Les taules de Girona, pautes per a la conservació dels vitralls més antics de la ciutat'. In Jornada sobre el valor històric del vitrall i els seus problemes de conservació. Centre Cultural de la Mercè, Girona (Spain).
28.02.2015 - 'The Girona Cathedral Glaziers' Table'. In New Voices in Stained Glass Conservation. Spring Master-Class, The King's Manor, University of York (England).
10.0302016 - 'La taula de vitraller de Girona. El mestre del presbiteri i els mestres vitrallers medievals'. Girona a l'abast XVI. Les obres de la Seu. Peces úniques en una catedral única. Fontana d'Or -CaixaForum, Girona.
10.0302016 - 'La taula de vitraller de Girona. El mestre del presbiteri i els mestres vitrallers medievals'. Girona a l'abast XVI. Les obres de la Seu. Peces úniques en una catedral única. Fontana d'Or -CaixaForum, Girona.